Access Statement

    Sick Time Press Workshop Series

    Leichte Sprache | Plain Language
    Deutsche Alltagssprache | English
    Workshops: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
    Sickness Affinity Group

           Sick Time Press Workshop Series is a 4-part workshop series starting in August 2020. The workshops are on different aspects of self-publishing artistic publications, from technical printmaking to conceptual writing.
    The aims of the workshops are:
  • to share skills for chronically ill and disabled artists to self-publish their work;
  • to give an overview of publications by artists on the topics of sickness, disability, ableism, and accessibility;
  • and to create community and solidarity by addressing multiple access barriers.
    Some workshops will be online and some are still planned to be in a physical space. Our physical space partner is the community activist space Kotti-shop in Berlin. Our online partner is the Archiv der Jugendkulturen, who will archive some of the publications we make and share, as well as helping promote our workshops and resources to youth in Berlin.
    This workshop series is organized by nine members of Sickness Affinity Group. Please get in touch if you would like to get involved or want to talk.

    We have put aside money and time to meet access needs.
Please do not hesitate to ask us for: translation, transcription, sign language, adjustments to time and format, accommodating children, and anything else!

Email Fran Breden francesbreden[at]
Visit our project page on Kubinaut

The workshop series is supported by Durchstarten
Fördermodul für neue Expert*innen der Kulturellen Bildung in Berlin